Because of the forecast of rain, our Adopt-A-Park volunteer event for Saturday, 10/20 will be RESCHEDULED to next Saturday, 10/27 from 11 AM to 2 PM, starting AFTER the guided hike in the park that morning. Join us for the hike and then stay to help cleanup the garden. Or just come out at 11 AM to volunteer. Or just come out for the hike at 8:30 AM. We'd love to have you join us any which way!
We will need volunteers to help with work around the park entrance, trailhead, and along the trails including some trail work, pruning, weeding, and cleanup. .
Please wear closed-toe shoes, a hat and bring work gloves. If you can, bring shovels, rakes, pruners, saws and other gardening tools. We need some wheel barrows if you can bring one. We will have water and lots of snacks. (We also always encourage folks to bring their own water in reusable bottles to minimize use of plastic bottles).
Participants under 18 years of age must have adult supervision.
We need your vote! The Friends of Indian River are extraordinarily honored to announce that our founder, Rogard Ross, is the Virginia Nominee for the Cox Conserves Heroes program created by Cox Enterprises and The Trust for Public Land (TPL). Now you can vote for the national winner of the program. Winning would result in the Friends of Indian River receiving an award of up to $50,000. Rogard has said that if we win such an award, he would like see our group use the money to leverage partnerships with the City, local businesses, and other civic and environmental organizations to multiply its impact, such as by implementing pilot projects and matching grants for projects to improve the environment and the quality of life for our community. Vote for Rogard - and the Friends of Indian River - now at