Saturday, April 25, 2015

Indian River Park Adopt-A-Park

Our volunteer day at the park was cut short today by the on and off rain, but Thank You to the  12 volunteers who accomplished a lot, fixing up the entrance area.   Pulling weeds, spreading mulch, and staking trees, we got the gardens around the parking area refreshed and ready to show off their spring blooms.   We also planted two Washington hawthorn seedlings which should add some nice color to the trees along the roadway in the coming years.   The native plants we planted this winter are popping up all over.   The red chokeberries are just past bloom, the columbines are looking great, and a lot more color is getting ready to burst forth.   Along the nature trail we also found native trumpet honeysuckle in full bloom, and less showy, along the forest floor mayapple blossoms.
Blue flags
Picnic area

Atlantic White Cedars

Trumpet honeysuckle