At our next regular meeting on Thursday, April 16, 7 pm., representatives from Chesapeake Parks, Recreation and Tourism will be talking to us about our local parks and recreation centers, including upcoming plans and events. As always, there will be light refreshments and door prizes after the presentation
On Saturday, April 25, we are holding an Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Work Day at Indian River Park, from 9:30 am to Noon. Meet at the park entrance at Rokeby Ave. and Main St. (2001 Rokeby Ave.) We'll be working on various projects around the park including trail maintenance, invasive plant removal, tending to the native plant garden at the entrance, and trash pickup - depending on volunteer availability. The more volunteers that come out the more that we can accomplish! Afterward, we'll also do a short guided walk of the nature trail for those interested. Please wear closed-toe shoes, a hat and bring work gloves. If you can, bring shovels, rakes, pruners, saws and other gardening tools. We will have water and lots of snacks. (We also always encourage folks to bring their own water in reusable bottles to minimize use of plastic bottles). Participants under 18 years of age must have adult supervision.
On Saturday, April 25, we are holding an Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Work Day at Indian River Park, from 9:30 am to Noon. Meet at the park entrance at Rokeby Ave. and Main St. (2001 Rokeby Ave.) We'll be working on various projects around the park including trail maintenance, invasive plant removal, tending to the native plant garden at the entrance, and trash pickup - depending on volunteer availability. The more volunteers that come out the more that we can accomplish! Afterward, we'll also do a short guided walk of the nature trail for those interested. Please wear closed-toe shoes, a hat and bring work gloves. If you can, bring shovels, rakes, pruners, saws and other gardening tools. We will have water and lots of snacks. (We also always encourage folks to bring their own water in reusable bottles to minimize use of plastic bottles). Participants under 18 years of age must have adult supervision.