On Thursday, October 10th, 7 PM, we'll have our Monthly Meeting at Oaklette United Methodist Church. Rachel Burns from Buy Fresh, Buy Local will speak to us about their program and the benefits buying looking produced goods and services. We'll also have an update about our own local Indian River Shopping Center. As usual we'll have some light refreshments after the meeting.
At the meeting we'll also be taking advance orders for Friends of Indian River T-shirts. We'll be ordering direct from the manufacturer and the estimated price is $16 for white T-shirts and $23 for colored T-shirts; the exact price will depend on how many we order.

On Wednesday, October 16th, the Parks Department will have a crew in the park to help spread mulch on part of the nature trail; we need some volunteers to help rake the mulch. Then depending on what we get done during the week, we may have another work effort on Saturday, October 19th. If you can help out on either of these days, let us know at info@friendsofindianriver.org.
Also on Saturday, October 19th, the City will have a Recycle Day event at Woodland Heights Baptist Church at 529 Providence Road. Residents can drop off Electronics, Plastic Bags, Clothing and Household Items, Household Hazardous Waste, and everyday Recyclables. The Friends of Indian River will also be supporting this event and we need volunteers here too. If interested, please contact info@friendsofindianriver.org.
In November we'll have a fun inaugural hike at the park on Saturday, November 9th, our regular meeting on Thursday, November 14th with presentation about Plastics, and an Adopt-A-Road Cleanup on Indian River Road on Saturday, November 16th.
For full details about all this events, please visit our calendar at http://www.friendsofindianriver.org/p/calendar.html
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